Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Truth Hurts

Dear Electric Customers

Just a little note to let you know, we understand your anger at the price of power and the unreliable supply.

But it should be noted that you have no choice.

We are a big company and you will pay what we tell you. You have no choice.

We have the power...... you need the power.

When we have a power failure we are sure to fix it, just before the time period before compensation can be claimed.

So sad, too bad,

Have a nice day and keep those checks coming in.


Just an update on our environmental rainbow ..... Well we've had White-snow - CSBP, Black -NewGen, Rusty Brown - HiSmelt and now this afternoon a plume of Yellow, pretty but potentially deadly. Comliments of TiWest Then not so long ago, there was the H2S ( hydrogen sulphide) from NickelWest which is also deadly, again the question has to be asked:

"Just what is in the AIR we Breath????

It's still far from Green or Clean


Anonymous said...

You ask - "Just what is in the AIR we Breath" - Nothing but air of course - remember there is no pollution - no Titanium Dioxide, no Chlorine, No Hydrocarbons, No Benzene, no Ammonia, no Nickel, no Mercury, no Arsenic, No Cadmium, no Chromium, no Nitrous Oxide, no Sulphur Dioxide, no Hydrocarbons, no Dioxins and no Particulates - Kwinana Industry is Clean and Green.

Enviro said...

It's up to all responsible to come clean Anonymous,particually as were being exposed on a regular basis.As for Kwinana being Clean and Green someone is living in Dream land.