Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To Qusetion Why

The latest report out by KIC leaves us to question, how can they continue making the same claim of decreased noise levels. It's true Noise would be one of the most difficult issues they have to deal with, so why not be upfront in regard to the findings or lack there of.

Results they appear to use are updates from 2005 when the Noise reference Group first started,noise was not compliant then nor is it now. The report by SVT in 2001 was monitoring supposedly carried out in Hillman. Oh Gee...! there is a slight problem, the monitor was set up in Careeba.

In 2005 modelling was done by Herring Storer, then in 2007 The Barn Owl was carried out at Chalk Hill. The problem that eventuated, due to weather conditions the monitoring was never completed, so instead of 12 hours there was only 2 hours of data, which was insufficient.The report was never signed off on, as no consensus could be reached. Yet KIC's continual claim is,
" there has been a net reduction in noise by industry despite higher production levels".
Come on people we aren't idiots !

There were only TWO people on the NRG that lived in the noise effected areas, so how did any of the others reach their conclusion? They would be unaware of, or to what extent the noise was effecting different areas through out the community.

The NRG consisted of people from local government,Department of Environment and Conservation and Community. It was chaired by Department of Industry & Resources who were supposedly independent, that is one we have not been able to work out we thought they were a government department.

Noise is complicated but in regard to those setting the noise limits (pollution) just how do they go about reaching different sound power levels for the different areas.Through the NRG different companies presented and by their own admission they were NOT noise compliant, so hopefully you can understand my dilemma.

If and when limits are changed we expect it to go through the proper channels, it can't be changed because it suits or without community consultation. Noise is pollution and an offense,we are entitled to a quality of life it's not all about making a million or two hang the neighbours.


Steve said...

I would suggest that Kwinana Industry with the support of local and state government want to convince those in the wider community that there is no problem - Its called divide and conquer tactics. But those of us who are affected by industrial pollution will keep screaming from the roof tops. And at the end of the day I believe the more propaganda the feed, the more average people will scream with us.

Anonymous said...

Your spot on Steve!