Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a waste

I find it absolutely amazing the amount of articles on or about Water Corp. Millions of litres of clean drinking water has been used to hose down building site and keep dust at bay this year, though dams are less than 30 per cent full. The Water Corporation revealed 350,000 kl of water from the mains was used by 236 contractors in the past year, including civil and demolition contractors.

.Contractors are allowed to use the water if they can't get groundwater, or if they can prove that commercially it was not viable to sink a groundwater bore. It only stands to reason if they can get out of spending extra and use scheme water they will.

.The Water Corporation denied it had wasted drinking water, claiming contractors were charged twice as much as residents for the privilege of tapping into the mains. Claiming also conditions were tight regarding the hire of standpipes that are used to take water from the reticulation water supply, this included regular on-site auditing of water use. If this were the case why are residential areas accused of using excesive amounts of water, or named as the biggest water guzzlers, when it's not factual at all.

How do the corporation explain the 19 billion litres of water-nearly half the production of the desalination plant, were wasted after an increase in leaks from Perth's drinking supplies last financial year from new statistics recently released. The Economic Regulation Authority also revealed that the amount of carbon dioxide released into the environment to supply the water to Perth homes and businesses, sent more than 55% to 2760 tonnes because a full year of operation of the energy intensive Kwinana desalination plant.

Piers Verstegen commented that statistics were evidence that the State was going backwards in terms of its water policy and management. The amount of water lost in the system, demonstrated that upgrading infrastructure should be made a priority to stem leaks and burst pipes.


Previous comments from the State's Environmental Protection Authority watchdog, will streamline the way they assesses the effect of development projects, this has prompted claims it is "watering down" the system. The Authority revealed it would implement a risk-based approach and simplify the process by reducing the level of assessment from 5 to 2.

The chairman believes the changes based on results of a 13 month review, would ensure a greater timeline and certainty in the agency's environmental impact assessment process. Other reforms included approval conditions that focused on environmental outcomes. It was said the changes included improved project management and tracking, so just how much compromising is being carried out when it comes to our environment.

It seems the aim by industries is to fast track their projects, how many mining accidents have happened this year alone. Another excellent point was how many projects has the EPA not approved... which equalled zero. How can West Australians be assured of anything, with a government-appointed industry working group. ( Isn't that a conflict of interests) Tasked with devising a plan to speed up mining approvals and favouring moves to dilute the power and role of the Environment Minister, among other far-reaching changes. Why are taxpayers paying a government if others are calling the shots, just who is protecting our environment for future generations!


Well I'm finally back after the longest month of May ever experienced, to those that have sent emails NO I've definitely not been on holiday worse luck. I'm still trying to work out if I ran over a black cat or what.. ! After the passing of a family member & ill health of another, the Blog was lost like me. Now I'm back and the many things going on haven't slipped my attention.