Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Food For Thought

Once again the minister has released a strategy on recycled water, spending $3 million to secure WA's water future. These strategies have been on going since 2005, when comments were called for in regard to drinking recycled sewage water.

Now it's being claimed this will be the first step towards co-ordinated, safe and efficient use of recycled water. The state's target is to recycling 30% of waste water by 2030, in a manner that is sustainable and supported by the community.

Communities had no problem with using recycled grey water on gardens or lawns , but a line was drawn in regard to drinking recycled sewage water. Recycled water is being used at the reclamation plant in Kwinana for industry, also in regional areas where it's used to irrigate sporting ovals. It's claimed with the average household, around 47 % of water use occurs outside the home, approximately 14% in the laundry and 12% in the toilet.

By the water Corp's own figures our rain fall has not altered since 1910, yet MR Kobelke keeps insinuating it has altered drastically and we have a declining rainfall.

Like most things Mr Kobelke our dams require maintenance, without the thinning of growth and burning off in the run off areas how do you expect rain to enter our dams?

In relation to Managed Aquifer Recharge or MAR as it was known, many studies came to light and the research had been considerable from other countries. A Response has been neg liable from this government as to how you propose to remove Pathogens or Microbes, or what effects the sewage would have on the biota.

Research went to show how MAR was fine in horticulture irrigation on condition that it was not used in over head irrigation.The crops would become contaminated the same as it has been found in China and other third world countries.

Health problems would have a potential impact related to contaminates in drinking water. Cryptosporidium parvum ia s pathogen found in human fecal waste. Cryptosporidium is very resistant to disinfection, and even well operated water treatment systems can't ensure that the drinking water will be completely free of this parasite.

Before the government come out with their feel good parade and excuse for spending tax money , do the research and know what your asking the people to do. Tell the truth about our water situation, that hasn't stopped you bringing in thousands of 457's and immigrants.

Does this government even know what the word sustainability means?

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