Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dumping Grounds

A community study in Esperance (28/6/08), has found lead levels in birds sampled to be the highest recorded anywhere in the world. One bird had 750mg per kilo of lead in it's feathers, a level described by co-author Dr Dunlop as "mineable grade" The alarming levels demonstrated that lead levels in the port town were remaining in the environment, and proving difficult to remove.

Exports of lead carbonate through the town's port were stopped in March last year,after the death of an estimated 4,000 birds linked to acute lead poisoning.

The community-based monitoring program collected feather samples from 50 birds to analyse for lead and nickel contamination, seven months after the export of lead ceased. The sampling showed the nickel on their feathers was 10 times that of background levels.

In 1993 The Esperance community was the first to establish A World's Best Practice dust free Port and were proud of their achievements. Since then, these benchmark environment standards for dust control have continually been eroded by both Liberal and Labor governments. With the advanced understanding of pollution, it's amazing they have permitted the continued decline in environmental standards and monitoring.

Fremantle will be exporting lead next, seeing as this government have given "Magellan" the green light. Just how well will the people be protected there, or are we to see Esperance all over again?

The next question will be once Fremantle Outer Harbour is complete, does that mean Kwinana will be next for lead export? Particularly as most things get dumped there even when communities say NO.

More stringent monitoring laws are needed, companies should have it in their licenses, they are to monitor for all toxic materials they emit.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Who's Accountable ?

It has been found WA's Freedom of Information laws are backward and deficient in the wake of a recent review. FOI experts warned that WA's accountability laws were lagging behind the rest of the country. The state has not had a substantive information commissioner appointed in four years.

The decision-making powers had been passed to the State Administrative Tribunal. The FOI regime should be based on the premise, that all information is public unless it is contrary to the public interest.

In WA amendments to the FOI Act were introduced into State Parliament a year ago with minimal public consultation (I wonder why), and no wide-ranging review of the 15-year-old Act. WA was described by a lecturer from Murdoch University, as lagging in the back water and is getting towards embarrassing.

So it appears if this Amendment Bill passes through the Upper House, the minister will succeed to undermine the capacity of the information commissioner model. Is Mr McGinty's aim to abolish in a bid to further downgrade the government's public accountability and openness?

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Green Clean Myth

Just an update :

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission or (ACCC) have found that Water Corp misled the public in its advertising campaigns and online publishing.

The Corporation published claims that the Perth Desalination Plant was carbon neutral, and its total energy requirements were sourced from the Emu Downs Wind Farm near Cervantes, North of Perth.

The ACCC said the statements were misleading and has told Water Corp, not to make similar claims in the future.

It's believed that a public apology is owed, and it's necessary for the ACCC to review various documents and statements. The Water Corporation have said they will look into what needs to be done to comply with the ACCC's recommendations.
Telling the truth to the public would be a good start, particularly as tax payers foot the bill for misleading ads!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

No Validation

Over the last few weeks we have read claims that Kwinana Industry was Clean and Green now they've changed to, "Industry works hard to become Green and Clean". It's not in the nature of heavy industry to be clean or green.

Apart from the previous claims, it really irks us that in reports and their web site they continue to insist that noise from industry has reduced. It's obvious the people making this claim don't live in the effected areas. An associate was on the NRG or Noise Reference Group from start to finish, only two people within the NRG to my knowledge lived in effected areas and could speak for those regularly effected.

At the final meeting members were asked to validate the methodology which could not be disputed as all members had not claimed to be experts in this area. But when it came to acknowledging a reduction of noise, in all good conscience it could not be done by community members. Noise is a very complicated subject, one person obviously not living in an effected area accused community members of hearing frogs rather than industry noise.

Monitoring was carried out by what's known as The Barn Owl (no joke), to collect enough data it had to run for 12 hours. Due to weather conditions it ran for approximately 2 hours,which provided no where near enough information. The member from the DEC agreed there was not enough monitoring to validate the modelling report that suggested a noise reduction.

During the course of the NRG some companies had presented, by their own admission said noise at the boundary was well above the noise regulation limits. It baffles us how the claim of noise reduction can be made, when it's completely unfounded as the report was never validated.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ongoing Question

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity also referred as MCS is also know as Chemical Injury, Chemical Sensitivity, Environment Illness and Multiple Allergy. In broad terms it means an unusually severe sensitivity or allergy-like reaction to many different kinds of pollutants including solvents, VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds), petrol, smoke,"chemicals" in general and often encompasses problems with regard to pollen, dust, dander.

The possible list of symptoms of MCS is almost endless and varies from one patient to the next. It's a fact that there is no sharp demarcation between the symptoms of MCS and ME/CFIDS/CFS/PVFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis chronic fatigue)but most suffers can experience several of the of the following :

*Burning, stinging eyes *wheezing, breathlessness nausea *extreme fatigue/lethargy

*Headaches/migraines/vertigo/dizziness *poor memory & concentration *runny nose (rhinitis)

*sore throat, cough *Sinus problem *Skin rashes/or itchy skin *Sensitivity to light and noise

*Sleeping problems *Digestive upsets *Muscle and joint problems.

The population at large are often unaware of the invisible chemical or toxin they are exposed to. Surprisingly this one aspect of MCS that is very well known and understood in conventional medicine and it's call Sensitization.

Sensitization is a true allergic reaction to one chemical or irritant (even parts per million or ppb can cause extreme allergic reaction). However described an open minded and logical approach to the phenomenon and the sheer scale of numbers of sufferers reporting the same or very similar problems in a modern day setting, certainly is strongly suggestive of an underlying medical syndrome.

Isn't it time for our state government to carry out a proper, independant Health Study seeing as the above complaints plus kidney failure, asthma, and cancer can be added plus. Why aren't they prepared to prove to communities, just how safe it is to have industries so close to built up areas?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Government and Industry

The Climate Institute report on energy affordability and emissions trading released on Monday, found energy price rises could easily be offset through the auction of carbon permits, estimated to exceed one percent of GDP or approx $10 billion.

It's believed for most Australians, the affordability of energy is likely to improve in the long term.But with a high carbon price senario,and with oil prices continuing to rise there would be a deterioration in energy affordability in the short to medium term. Especially among low income families.

The Kyoto Protocol on climate change was passed when the new government came to power last November, and a Carbon trading scheme was to commence by 2010, to give business a financial incentive to cut pollution. Australia is responsible for about 1.2 percent of global carbon emissions, but remains one of the highest polluters per capita because of the nation's reliance on coal and other fossil fuels.

After reading this report it left me wondering, why the everyday person is the one to be hit in the hip pocket. What becomes clear is government and big business will come out as winners, industry pays for carbon credits purchased from government or other industries, their products increases in price and is passed onto the consumer.

Water, gas and electricity rise by 10 percent for the domestic consumer, yet industries increase on supply charge will be minimal . WA is already the highest tax paying state, we pay taxes on our taxes. One would think we had a well oiled state, instead of a Health system in crisis, an education system in tatters, lack of housing, police enforcement, water, domestic gas and power.

Why should WA tax-payers be paying indirectly for Apache pipeline costs??? They are a multinational who send their profits off shore. Just how many industries are the taxpayers paying for to operate in our state??

The introduction of a carbon price does not need to involve a social cost. Australia can make deep cuts in our greenhouse emissions without reducing our living standards.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Small Particulates and You

The size of particles is directly linked to their potential for causing health problems. Small particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter pose the greatest problems, they can penetrate deep into the lungs, some may even enter the blood stream.

Smaller particulates less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter are even more deadly, as well as the above they have also been linked to stroke and blood clots. A recent study showed those exposed to fine particulates had a 70% increase in risk of dying from blood clots.

Exposure to such particles can effect your blood stream, lungs and heart. Particle pollution -especially fine particles-contain microscopic solids or liquid droplets, that are so small they get deep into the lungs and cause serious health problems. Numerous scientific studies carried out by the US EPA have linked particle pollution exposure to a variety of problems including, increased respiratory symptoms, irritation of the air-ways, difficulty in breathing; decreased lung function; aggravated asthma; development of chronic bronchitis; irregular heartbeat and premature death in people with heat or lung disease.

A study by the WA government DOH and DOE showed increased hospitalisation and morbitity in the young and elderly caused by particulate pollution.

So who shares our concerns, everything should be being done to keep workers and communities safe from pollution. Why have industries got licenses? We were under the misapprehension it was to stop the emission we are seing all to often.

Todays Kwinana Industry extraordinary emissions include:

Tiwest: Believed to be a white plume of Ticl4 from their emergency stack.

HiSmelt : Rustybrown & white.

CSBP: White cloud of ammonium nitate/ammonium chloride - it's not the time of year to snow.

Verve: Plume of grey particulates.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Honesty and Accountability

The premier has asked the people of WA to cut their power and gas usage to a bare minimum but to date the minister or DOIR have not been forth coming with a detailed account of what led to another crisis, so where is the accountability. In January '08 the gas problem experienced was described as a once in 25 year event, this is only June '08 that makes 6 months in my calculations so who's got it wrong. Obviously we have problems in safeguards and regulation of standards in the power industry.

So what actually caused the explosion at the Varanus Island gas plant, from pictures being circulated it looks as though it could have been lack of maintenance. How could any energy minister tell parliament, he did not know the details of recommendations made to Apache Energy about the way it was managed. He really knows how to make the people of this state feel safe, I don't think. How many other companies are being checked in the same way, when it's called the Boom just what sort of BOOM are they referring to?.

It was said back in 2003 there had been concerns about which department was responsible for monitoring the safety at some gas pipelines and plants. This government need to come clean and provide information in relation to the inspections (if any) and what check were made to ensure Apache complied.

The usual excuses have emerged, the department responsible had an exodus of staff and didn't have the resources to cover the "integrity issue" Heard it all before.

In regard to our concerned Mr Carpenter, he went on his walk about in Perth Wednesday handing out show bags containing environmentally friendly light bulbs. They are so friendly their contents being MERCURY, will enter the unlined tips, the soil and eventually our water table.

As for industry experiencing a gas crisis someone forgot to let them know in Kwinana, although presumably some are running on oil particularly from certain plumes . The noise is still above and beyond, along with the smell of rotten gas in the early hours changing to a strong chemical stench so bad it sends you inside. So if anyone is suffering from sore eyes, nose and throat, it's not the flu it's just industry, Still.

Friday, June 20, 2008

An Insight

Persistent Organic Pollutants or POP's are a chemical substance that persists in the environment,bioaccumulate through the food web, and pose a risk of causing adverse effects to human health and the environment.

"Chemicals now categorised as POP's were black- listed in all Western nations at least a decade ago. In Asia a combination of factors has resulted in the continued production, trade, use and release into the environment of most these chemicals"

POP chemicals are considered among the most dangerous of life threatening substances created by humans. All well know POP's are chlorinated compounds, these include: pesticides such as DDT, Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCH), aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, chlordane, heptachlor, mirex and toxaphene; industrial chemicals such as poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCB's); and unwanted industrial by-products dioxins and furans.

POP's build up through the food chain and can reach concentrations in wildlife and humans thousands of time higher in the surrounding AIR, WATER and SOIL. In most countries Corporations lack accountability in this area, the principal of polluter-pays were "unheard of concepts".

The International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) says the appropiate goal for an international treaty on POPs is the establishment of a systematic and sustained program of action, in which all countries participate to eliminate POPs and their significant sources.

It must not be defined as the better management of risks associated with POPs that's needed, they are a current source of significant injury to the biosphere-to humans and wildlife and to the entire ecosystem around the world.

For more on POP's see National Toxics Network

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Truth Hurts

Dear Electric Customers

Just a little note to let you know, we understand your anger at the price of power and the unreliable supply.

But it should be noted that you have no choice.

We are a big company and you will pay what we tell you. You have no choice.

We have the power...... you need the power.

When we have a power failure we are sure to fix it, just before the time period before compensation can be claimed.

So sad, too bad,

Have a nice day and keep those checks coming in.


Just an update on our environmental rainbow ..... Well we've had White-snow - CSBP, Black -NewGen, Rusty Brown - HiSmelt and now this afternoon a plume of Yellow, pretty but potentially deadly. Comliments of TiWest Then not so long ago, there was the H2S ( hydrogen sulphide) from NickelWest which is also deadly, again the question has to be asked:

"Just what is in the AIR we Breath????

It's still far from Green or Clean

Why won't government Act

We have friends that have been living near a cement factory for over 25 years. This 54 year old plant has tall chimneys which spew out hundreds of tons of contaminated dust into our atmosphere every year.

In September 2006, I read a most interesting and informative article by Peter Montague "The Environment Causes of Cancer" : why we can't prevent cancer" He spoke about increases in cancers, and one possible cause being our industrial environment. The increased exposure to more cancer causing agents such as toluene, xylene, benzene, and PAH's.

This lead to checking the Cockburn Cement LTD "annual Emissions List" these agents were all included. This plant also releases over 34 tons of hydrochloric acid, nearly 2 tons of cyanide, 9.9 tons of sulphuric acid and formaldehyde, plus many other nasties into our atmosphere.

Residents have complained about acrid burning odours and pollution plumes, which travel great distances north and north east of the plant. Why isn't World's Best Practice Technology being used instead of electronic precipitator systems. One new precipitator was installed rather than installing filtration systems, the community were told it was to expensive.

There are residents with heavy metals in their blood, some suffer respiratory problems, others experience red eyes, coughs and of course we have lost friends to cancer.

It's felt that government should demand that industries such as Cockburn Cement use the latest and safest technology, Government must set lower emissions levels. Cost to industry should not be a consideration where people's health is at risk. We have the facts-we need to work harder at prevention of this dreadful disease, cancer.

Food For Thought

Once again the minister has released a strategy on recycled water, spending $3 million to secure WA's water future. These strategies have been on going since 2005, when comments were called for in regard to drinking recycled sewage water.

Now it's being claimed this will be the first step towards co-ordinated, safe and efficient use of recycled water. The state's target is to recycling 30% of waste water by 2030, in a manner that is sustainable and supported by the community.

Communities had no problem with using recycled grey water on gardens or lawns , but a line was drawn in regard to drinking recycled sewage water. Recycled water is being used at the reclamation plant in Kwinana for industry, also in regional areas where it's used to irrigate sporting ovals. It's claimed with the average household, around 47 % of water use occurs outside the home, approximately 14% in the laundry and 12% in the toilet.

By the water Corp's own figures our rain fall has not altered since 1910, yet MR Kobelke keeps insinuating it has altered drastically and we have a declining rainfall.

Like most things Mr Kobelke our dams require maintenance, without the thinning of growth and burning off in the run off areas how do you expect rain to enter our dams?

In relation to Managed Aquifer Recharge or MAR as it was known, many studies came to light and the research had been considerable from other countries. A Response has been neg liable from this government as to how you propose to remove Pathogens or Microbes, or what effects the sewage would have on the biota.

Research went to show how MAR was fine in horticulture irrigation on condition that it was not used in over head irrigation.The crops would become contaminated the same as it has been found in China and other third world countries.

Health problems would have a potential impact related to contaminates in drinking water. Cryptosporidium parvum ia s pathogen found in human fecal waste. Cryptosporidium is very resistant to disinfection, and even well operated water treatment systems can't ensure that the drinking water will be completely free of this parasite.

Before the government come out with their feel good parade and excuse for spending tax money , do the research and know what your asking the people to do. Tell the truth about our water situation, that hasn't stopped you bringing in thousands of 457's and immigrants.

Does this government even know what the word sustainability means?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

On a lighter note " Women Drivers"

On a busy motorway I looked over to my left and there was a women in a brand new Cadillac doing 65mph, with her face up next to her rear view mirror putting on her eyeliner.

I looked away for a couple of seconds and when I looked back , she was half way over in my lane

still working on that makeup.

As a man I don't scare easily, but crikey she scared me so much; I dropped my electric shaver, which knocked the donut out of my other hand.

In all the confusion of trying to straighten out the car, using my knees against the steering wheel , it knocked my cell phone away from my ear. It fell into the coffee between my legs, splashed and burned Big Jim and the Twins, ruined the damn phone, soaked my trousers and disconnected an important call.

Damn Women Drivers.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where to dump now ?

Just what sort of system do WA have when it comes to TOXIC WASTE, how do the government keep track in particularly, what's being stored and where? Do they have a Toxic Inventory, if so why isn't the necessary data available to the EPA as to what exactly was stored at Brookdale. Why hasn't it been cleaned up long before now..?

The inventory should have consisted of analysis, tables, charts, maps etc. A database containing detailed information on all industrial chemical waste, and what has been managed through disposal or other releases.

How could any responsible government consider placing an Eco-friendly residential development for 40,000 people less than 1 km away from a Noxious Chemicals, Sludge and Pathogens site? To date the DEC have spent $1.2 million just on site investigations at Brookdale, yet are still unable to detail the extent of the contamination.

The question remains, just how many waste sites already have homes, schools or parks constructed on them ? There is of course the NPI but they are only as good as the information they receive, it has been shown in the past that figures can be fudged. Where is the waste being stored now, it has to be going somewhere.

Sewage sludge provided to farmers free in 2005 revealed the lime treatment at the Brookdale facility failed, providing dangerously high pathogen levels. The FOI documents also revealed some unusual deliveries such as a tree oozing mercury.

The chemicals detected were known to cause a range of illnesses from cancer, liver and kidney problems.Why has it taken nearly 5 years to get no where, the then environmental minister that in his wisdom removed the CCC before they completed their project on waste sites.He also found it no longer necessary to monitor for lead, he may have thought he had all the answers. . so why not share them with the rest of the state? Esperance was a classic it's still on going, just who was being protected?

Friday, June 13, 2008


This figment of our imagination is with compliments of HiSmelt.

Just how do they make CLEAN and GREEN out of this lot?

At Who's Cost

Former PICL site and BP contaminated land

It was noted with interest an article "Back to drawing board on P.I.C.L site" it referred to the Court government and how they purchased a 76 ha block of land from a Petrochemical Industries' Company LTD for $4.9 million in 1994 with tax payers money.

P.I.C.L was at the centre of the notorious WA Inc era in the 1980's which involved purchasing the ill fated block in an attempt to bail out the late Laurie Connell and Dallas Dempster it was estimated to cost tax payers $413 million, so in total $418 so the money train goes on .

BP and Rio Tinto who were joint partners in a 500 megawatt power station and were in negotiations with Land Corp to take a long term lease, well surprise surprise it all fell in a heap. It was found Carbon Dioxide cannot be buried successfully beneath the seabed between Fremantle and Rottenest,it appears now tax payers are to be slugged to the tune of approximately $1 million per year.

This particular site is contaminated, from BP using it as a dumping ground for various hazardous wastes, so who is responsible for the remediation? Seeing BP has used this site as a dumping ground for years, surely BP should be held responsible for the clean up not the tax payers.

This site is still not listed on the contaminated sites register, so the Government is breaking it's own rules.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Water is another commodity that if we believe all we're told, there is a shortage. Another desalination plant is on the drawing board, so will the information from the experts be heeded or once again ignored?Water Corp are going through the process of attempting to have strict monitoring conditions in Cockburn Sound relaxed or removed.When will they realise these conditions are placed in the license for a very good reason.

So why are the public being asked to reduce their water usage, there seems to be plenty for the new water guzzling industries being constructed in the south. For that matter have government taken into consideration the increased population, according to the figures were looking at an extra 30,000 for the year. Is this why Water Corp want the new desal at Binningup, so why are the tax payers expected to foot the bill who is the real beneficiary?

The Corporation itself confirmed as recently as 2002 that catchment thinning would have doubled the run-off in high rain fall areas, IF it had been done. The main reason for low levels is reduced catchment inflow efficiency is because the corporation ceased catchment thinning and maintenance in the mid -1970's. By the Water Corp's own figures the rainfall on average had not decreased from 1910 to 2007, the average rainfall is the same.

Conservative indications are that a return to the previous 6 per cent efficiency would provide Perth with an additinal 120 GL's a year. Based on the government's cost forecast for Binningup RO plant, this would save tax payers nearly $3 billion in capital costs and $140 million a year in the cost of the water. (the costs are an approximation,they could be a lot higher by now)

The irony and hypocrisy is that the same government is blaming our "water crisis" on climate change and global warming & is demanding that industry and the public substantially reduce their carbon footprint, while they are hell-bent on installing these power guzzling,CO2-polluting and expensive (monuments) desalination plants .

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Sound

Since the beginning of industrialisation in the Kwinana area, successive governments have allowed the destruction of Cockburn Sound by industry.

It now appears nothing has changed,with the Water Corporation wanting to disregard key ministerial environmental conditions of their license.They want to cease certain monitoring and pass the onus onto the Cockburn Sound Management Council - with a $10,000 donation which will no where near cover their costs.

The Kwinana Industries Council has agreed to this farce and offered another $30,000. This is not the way to gain community support,we expect thorough monitoring to be carried out for the life of the Sound or Industry & them abiding to best practices & their duty of care.

The KIC's director said in a local paper "community perception of the KIC is not great."
Do they honestly believe that donating a little money will make the problems go away,the monitoring that needs to be done would cost Cockurn Sound Management the same amount as Water Corp.

It's a shame to see the hard work of what once was a great organisation ( Community Industry Forum) going down hill. At one time industry and community worked together,now when new industries start up they don't have the courtesy to inform the people they will be effecting with their noise or pollution.

Many industries in the Rockingham/Kwinana areas are doing great things but these are being over shadowed by spin from those that are doing little to nothing in an attempt to make all industry look good.

The people would love to see the "GEM" we once had returned sparkling waters, pristine beaches and an abundance of fish . We were told not so long ago to forget what we once had, as we will never get it back.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To Qusetion Why

The latest report out by KIC leaves us to question, how can they continue making the same claim of decreased noise levels. It's true Noise would be one of the most difficult issues they have to deal with, so why not be upfront in regard to the findings or lack there of.

Results they appear to use are updates from 2005 when the Noise reference Group first started,noise was not compliant then nor is it now. The report by SVT in 2001 was monitoring supposedly carried out in Hillman. Oh Gee...! there is a slight problem, the monitor was set up in Careeba.

In 2005 modelling was done by Herring Storer, then in 2007 The Barn Owl was carried out at Chalk Hill. The problem that eventuated, due to weather conditions the monitoring was never completed, so instead of 12 hours there was only 2 hours of data, which was insufficient.The report was never signed off on, as no consensus could be reached. Yet KIC's continual claim is,
" there has been a net reduction in noise by industry despite higher production levels".
Come on people we aren't idiots !

There were only TWO people on the NRG that lived in the noise effected areas, so how did any of the others reach their conclusion? They would be unaware of, or to what extent the noise was effecting different areas through out the community.

The NRG consisted of people from local government,Department of Environment and Conservation and Community. It was chaired by Department of Industry & Resources who were supposedly independent, that is one we have not been able to work out we thought they were a government department.

Noise is complicated but in regard to those setting the noise limits (pollution) just how do they go about reaching different sound power levels for the different areas.Through the NRG different companies presented and by their own admission they were NOT noise compliant, so hopefully you can understand my dilemma.

If and when limits are changed we expect it to go through the proper channels, it can't be changed because it suits or without community consultation. Noise is pollution and an offense,we are entitled to a quality of life it's not all about making a million or two hang the neighbours.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The price to Pollute

In a trade between two of Australia's oldest companies,carbon emissions have been given an initial price of $19 a tonne before the Federal Governments emissions trading scheme
which begins in 2010.

When it begins, power users could be liable for nearly $12 billion in extra electricity costs a year.
I suppose this is where that 'boom' bit comes in, to bad their slow learners and haven't woken up to the fact the only one's benefiting from the BOOM are government & industry.

An analyst said 'she expected the government to recycle some of the money from auctioning carbon emission permits to compensate people for higher prices.In a recent deal AGL Energy sold Westpac 10,000 tonnes of emissions trading units in a transaction which will settle on February 1, 2012.

The emissions trading scheme is obviously going to have a significant impact on the pricing of electricity.In Europe where carbon is traded regularly emissions are sold in batches of 10,000 tonnes,Westpac traded 1 million tonnes in that market last year.Mr Fraser commented that "Ultimately this will be a several billion dollar-a year market,it's a whole new energy economy that's been created here".

The Federal Government unveils its green paper on an emissions trading scheme in July, and will draft legislation in December.

Our point in regard to Carbon Trading is, at the end of the day it's still going to end up in the atmosphere except governments have found another way to make more money.Government have said they will plant more trees, so why are they continuing to log the old growth Forests & allowing industry to clear fell more land for mining.

Where are all the trees they've planted,where is the renewable energy solar,wind farms or wave power?

If the government of the day had the intelligence they would realise it's time to slow the boom down and look at the long term benefit,but that takes vision which they seem to be lacking.By slowing the economy ie gas & iron-ore why not use the OPEC Countries system ( supply and demand) have a long term benefit for ALL Australians instead of selling our country off at bargain basement prices. Stop importing labour just to make a quick buck for the now.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Study Links Air Pollution

Another AIR Quality study was carried out by a country that at least gives a damn when it comes to communities and their well being.The latest findings, " Though the evidence is mixed at this point, an association was found between cardiovascular admissions and course particulate matter.So it's believed at this point it's important to update this study & others like it using continual monitoring data" collected by government pollution sensors across the USA.

There have been others that have previously identified the dangers to hearts and lungs posed by fine airborne particles,which are smaller than 2.5 microns across or 100 times tinier than the width of a human hair.Small particles released from vehicle exhaust emissions and other sources can penetrate deeper into the lungs,if they become trapped it raises the risk of illness that include emphysema,lung cancer and heart disease.

Course particles that range between 2.5 microns and 10 in diameter tend to lodge in the upper respiratory tract when inhaled.Researchers examined 7 years worth of air pollution data from 108 counties across the US and compared it with 3.7 million hospitalised for cardiovascular disease & 1.4 million for respiratory illnesses.They correlated emergency visits to days when monitoring stations detected heavy levels of large particle pollution,which over a one year period equated to 1,800 with cardio disease in study areas.

Seeing as the Australian government were prepared to place industry so close to built up areas, with prevailing winds along with odours or inversion layers, just what is in the AIR we breath what are we being exposed to on a daily basis? Why isn't the necessary independent monitoring being done, how much longer are we to be treated like mushrooms ?The government receive $10-12 billion from the Kwinana strip alone, yet the same excuse is regularly used,there isn't the funds or qualified people.

To think a multi national company came out warning government if the Carbon price were set too high, regional areas could face big job losses in curtailing the nations greenhouse emissions.
The technology is there so it should be a condition of their license , if their not prepared to update emissions technology as it eventuate, no license to operate .

Thursday, June 5, 2008

To Question Why

With so many existing industries, expansions and new companies coming on line I'm surprised that government didn't look further ahead before giving them the green light. One company in the southwest is evaluating whether to push ahead with a $1.5billion expansion to their refinery,
depending on them securing a suitable gas supply deal. The government are in the same boat there seems to be all sorts of difficulties in securing gas for our domestic supply, plus our gas fired power stations are having to run on diesel which is wonderful for the environment. (I think not)

Many will remember how government urged people to switch their home's and cars to gas, better for the environment and cheaper. At the rate gas costs have been rising there isn't anything cheap about it, so much for a gas rich state.

Griffen who is hoping to have final environmental approvals by mid-2009 for another two new coal-fired power stations possibly more into the future, one has to wonder why we aren't using gas which is far more environmentally friendly. It has also been said WA can't be over reliant on gas, so why is it were able to supply cheap gas to every other country but Australia.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Never Ending Story

Well it seems industry realised Monday was a holiday & finally we received a quieter than usual evening, a relief for many within the community. We have to thank the DEC for getting involved and sorting those responsible out, we just hope it's explained licenses are given in the first place for them to abide by.

It will be interesting to hear why the sirens were going off today at 11.55am I suppose it was those damn contractors again (not).

At 4.35 while sitting on the back patio trying to enjoy a coffee & the peace and quiet,my partner complained of burning,itchy eyes . Later when talking to others at a Community Industries Forum we attended, it seem there are quite a few with the same complaint. Even people from Perth have said as soon as they reach Kwinana their eyes start itching & get sore, so I guess it's not our imagination after all. Maybe one day the health department will have to do a proper independent health study, instead of placing it in the too hard basket they may even learn a few home truths!

At the CIF a presenter came from Adelaide Brighton the parent company of Cockburn Cement, he went to great lenghts to point out how he had just started working for the company & his back ground was in oil and gas. So there wasn't any point in questioning him on the company here, he wouldn't have have the knowledge on the stacks or their emissions. It has taken 6 months for them to respond to questions asked last December, but now they may have just outsmarted themselves with this gag. The Kwinana Cumulative Risk & Land Planning Study has just been completed the report will be out soon. It will be interesting to see if they give information in the study that we have attempted to get from Rockingham council and yet they have not been forth coming with.

In General Business: Two new companies had started up on the Kwinana strip, the Noise issue was raised along with the fact that communities had not been informed of the commencement of these plants. A vote of NO confidence from community members representing different groups was tabled, but industry claim there was nothing in the Charter to allow this form action to be taken so it's necessary to find another avenue.

Air quality Management have a community "Grants Program now running,together with State agencies, industries, communities, local government and the commonwealth. The department is undertaking research, scientific investigations, monitoring and management actions to deliver effective responses to air quality issues across the State". Those interested in applying or wanting more information go to or call 92198724

Hopefully when this gets off the ground, we will start to get answers instead of anything but!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Enviro rainbow

Update: Friday 30th: It turned out to be an extremely informative day & evening. Instead of Verve being the culprit for the plumes of black smoke belching into the air, take a bow NewGen. Over the past few days we've had powder white,rusty-brown and black emissions, what else do they have instore?Still no green!

The noise hit earlier than expected 8.50pm, so we gather there was a wind shift or industry decided to get into the thick of things early. Noise was cracking along at 47-50db in the effected areas of Rockingham, so off to industries boundaries. WFLPG eastern boundary 70-74db, others were exceeding the limit, but not to the same extent. I have sympathy for the many workers they are either tone deaf or wear damn good ear-plugs,if it's the latter it could be extremely dangerous.
Noise is defined in the Act to include vibration of any frequency,whether transmitted through air or any other physical medium. We are still waiting with baited breath for the government to fund the department, so they can purchase the necessary equipment and qualified people to measure the noise levels travelling on the water table. The ultra low frequency is responsible in many cases of feeling sea sick on land, apart from a virus of course.
I can't blame people that have sold up, unable to put up with any more sleepless nights as well as other health problems that are being experienced. Why when industry have encroached on communities, is it people that have to sell up & leave?

We usually receive the same excuse when ever sirens are heard, the poor old contractor cops the blame they are always getting into the wrong showers. Strange how after all this time something hasn't been done to rectify this problem, I thought these big companies would at least hire people that can read English!(It's time for a new excuse guys)
Government should not be installing more heavy industries on our back door step, what is cheaper for industry isn't necessarily better for communities.

Saturday: From the pouring rain & thunder and lightning,no monitoring but from the stench of sulphur & other chemicals someone is in trouble.