Saturday, October 17, 2009

Licence under question.

How many times over the years of successive governments have questions been raised regarding licences and/or conflict of interest? The West Australian covered a story where it was revealed the government had leased land to a chemical company that wants to continue dumping waste at a site classified as "possibly contaminated" Words escape me to describe the department, whose job is to protect the environment and the people.
Is this another company to be remembered for some time: Millennium Inorganic Chemicals wants to continue dumping titanium dioxide waste. It's come from plants in Australind and Kemerton and has been dumped in sand dunes near Dalyellup. Their intention is to continue doing so for a further 3 years.The DEC have recently classified the site as "possibly contaminated", stating it needs further investigation. So what have they been doing since it first started up, who wrote the licence or has been keeping check/monitoring that the company was abiding by their license?
It was revealed that the state government owned the Australind plant site (land) and leased it back to the company as part of a deal in the late 1980s in which the company was paid $6.35 million (tax dollars) to move part of its operations to Kemerton.This week in parliament Giz Watson (Green's Leader)raised queries about a possible conflict of interest.She was concerned about the state government being a truly independent assessor of the waste site licence extension application.
This site obviously has not been properly monitored,why is the DEC report only coming out now, stating there are concentrations of CHROMIUM 111 in shallow groundwater. It was found to exceed adopted assessment levels for marine aquatic ecosystems. To say further assessment is required to determine the risk to the environment and environmental values, what risk assessments were carried out before this chemical company first commenced? What qualifications do the DEC have to write or pass licences particularly if they don't know of possible damages caused by different chemicals? Chromium 111 exposure can occur through inhalation, ingestion and eye or skin contact.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chemical toxic Waste Dump

There has been a growing concern over the impact of a chemical waste dump on residents health at a Dalyellup facility near Bunbury. The plant has been operational for the last 20 years, long before the population explosion. Many residents are becoming increasingly worried and I believe with good reason.It appears 20-30 years ago the DEC or EPA as they were known as then, it's hard to keep up with the name changes,where still hit and miss with regulations.29 years ago when Wagerup was being constructed, it was stipulated in their license then that the mud lakes had to be lined.
The EPA found that as far back as 1988 the site was considered unacceptable as a waste facility beyond 3 years, yet 20 years later they are still using the site with an application being put forward for a further 3 years. Why wasn't it stipulated the site had to be lined like many other companies have had to conform to? This would explain why the company want to continue with their original license.What is wrong with the WA governments past and present, where is their duty of care to the residents?
To knowingly consider a renewal of a license is criminal, the waste comes from a titanium dioxide plant in Australind.The patient application for the company shows the substances that are produced during the purification process are anything but safe. Compounds are particularly dangerous because they are carcinogens...of these the dioxin 2,3,7,8 TCDD is the most infamous, it more commonly known as as the toxic compound of agent orange.
Dr P Dingle commented "In terms of environmental toxins you would say they're public enemy number one". Then there is the fact of allowing toxic chemicals to leach through the soil, into the Yarragadee aquifer before going out to sea.Governments around the world have made unlined sites illegal,so why is WA allowing a third world practice in 2009. Possibly because the company has given council $900,000 and will pay a further $950,000 over the next three years has something to do with it? The council intend to use the money to build a sports facility on the dump site, are they aware that dioxins and furans last for thousands of years? Where is their duty of care to present and future generations?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Qualifications: NONE

Just what qualifications does an environmental minister need to have, surely some knowledge would be required. The Gorgon Carbon Capture and Storage operations will be a major part of the global portfolio of CCS projects supported by the Australian-led GLOBAL CARBON CAPTURE and Storage Institute. It will also be the world's biggest demonstration of CCS technology for many years to come and receive $60 million in funding from the Australian government

What does that mean for Australia quite simple, there are no guarantees that CCS will even work at Gorgon and that taxpayers have been fitted out a company once again to pay for any problems that arise.Under Mr Garrett's approvals, Gorgon's proponents will be able to start the project without having to even prove that CO2 injection works at the site. In fact they only have to agree to monitor whether it doesn't work, even then the concerns are aimed at an underground fish species rather than the more pressing issues of release into the sea. This would lead to potentially dangerous acidification or into the atmosphere where it could blow out Australia's greenhouse gas emissions strategy.

What are future repercussions or safety measures will be put in place? The 28 new environmental conditions were stringent on the dangers facing the Flatback turtle but virtually silent on those presented by injecting millions of tonnes of CO2 into the seabed. This is a huge CCS experiment using WA waters as a laboratory. Did Mr Garrett even consider that the joint ventures had already been warned by technical experts, about the risks of leaks because of geological faults in the Barrow Island strata?

The state and federal government agreed to jointly accept any long term liability arising from the storage of CO2 in geological formations under Barrow Island as part of the Gorgon project.So it appears safety and the environment are being cast aside for the sake of greed. Mr Barnett has lumbered taxpayers not the multinational proponents of Gorgon, with the downside costs, both economic and environmental of this excessively risky experiment.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Claim of to much tape.

A report which was to be released last week had lined up the Department of Environment and Conservation for a ritual disembowelment. A government-appointed group spent the last 6 months investigating WA's resource approvals procedure, and concluded that the DEC run its own race.I presume this would be by one of the 141 NEW committees created, even though Mr Barnett said some months ago he was going to reduce them. Now his decided another committee is needed to reduce the committees.

One conclusion reached "Activities and decisions are influenced by philosophic beliefs and personal environmental policies, in several cases a belief that projects should not be approved, regardless of what the government wanted",according to one paper from this group. As a concerned member of the public I can only ask "How qualified are these people to be deciding anything, if they believe this rubbish."
To say the DEC are oblivious to the elected administration's policies,are they suggesting policies change with each party. Environmental laws should stand and become more stringent where necessary,not rubber stamped to keep companies happy.
The extensive mining approvals and regulation processes of the state Government cost taxpayers approximately $485 million per year, much to the angst of the resource sector, which claim projects are tied in endless red and green tape making WA an
unattractive place to do business. So why is there no mention regarding environmental laws which are far more stringent in their own country.Until WA has adequate, qualified staff at(DEC,DOCEP,EPA,) etc, to carry out the many jobs particularly in the mining and environmental sectors, this government should not be looking to fast track anything.
It was very nice of the minister to inform industry that his portfolio priority was to dramatically over haul the current unwieldy approvals process and provide greater certainty and confidence in the mining and resource sector. Are Australian workers receiving the same guarantees and attention regarding safety on work sites?Then there is the environmental concerns re: water,soil,wildlife and air, what protection is being offered to the people and future generations of this state?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Power = Water at homeowners expense.

Over the last few weeks the people of WA have been asked for their comment on the future of water, power, wastes and air/quality just to mention a few. My question would be why, the government or departments aren't interested in our concerns? They have even ignored people well qualified in the different fields. The only conclusion that can be reached is,this way it can be said consultation was had.

The government are proudly crowing over the vast expansion of the coal power industry to happen in the next few years,not how or what they intend to do in reducing their emissions load, a few weeks back WA was named the dirtiest state . The power plants are set to send water consumption sky rocketing, with the potential of draining the Collie River dry and damaging the regions aquifers. The town already has four coal-fired power stations,and now five more are in the works to be completed by 2013, along with a urea plant.Why wasn't the urea plant sent to the north where there is adequate water and gas for their product?I presume it comes down to pass factors, what ever is cheapest is best for industry, too bad about our environment.

The Water Corporation or (department of water) estimated Collie's existing power plants are already extracting groundwater at three times the rate it's recharged by our rainfall. The groundwater could be exhausted within nine years. I find this to be the height of hypocrisy, using potable water for cooling when saline water could be used like at other plants along the coast. The first of the water coming out of the Collie river is saline, which is run into old coal pits and stored. This is the only water that should be used for cooling apart from the saline slug from Wellington Dam, no potable water should be used if our state is running out of such a precious resource.

It was reported last summer that many of Collie's rivers, streams and garden bores ran dry due to the continued drop in the water table. Senator Siewert said the system had already reached its limit and both State and Federal governments should stop approving so many new coal operations. When will WA find a government that can start thinking of long term goals and secure the future health, viability and amenity of our state instead of only seeing the dollar sign now.

Four power stations at Collie use 30GL per annum. By 2013 with construction of the urea plant (arid state) and Bluewaters 2,3 and 4 and Muja A & B power projects, figures on water usage is predicted to rise to 67GL. Why does WA's water shortage only apply to home owners but not the industrial sector? Why do power companies receive what water they want free, at the rate water is being absorbed or used what will future generations do? Where are the renewable energy projects or do they only apply to other countries?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Mining uranium is akin to mining asbestos.....and even today I guess there would be a mass outcry if asbestos mining were to be started up again. Native peoples around the world are ignorant of the dangers, they have had their families devastated by cancers in lungs-kidneys-stomach and colon-. Sterility, deformed children death and decimation of their communities resulted in their mining uranium. Uranium tailings contain over a dozen radioactive materials harmful to living beings...thorium 230, radium j 226, radon 222 etc. Nuke is not clean, green and certainly not cheap ! Check the current costing in UK for decommissioning all but two of their nuclear power stations. Uranium 238, which is left after enrichment, is currently in the bodies of Iraqi troops, civilians and allied troops as a result of killing people with shells made by UK and USA.

.The radioactive emissions from these bodies are leaking into the atmosphere to the detriment of global warming. What other nasty surprises can we expect from other purchasers of Australian uranium? Cremation of any body which has died from radiation emits radioactivity into the atmosphere. The enrichment of uranium for production of fuel rods adds hugely to global warming. Each 1000MWe (megawatt electric) nuclear plant requires the equivalent of 45 MWe coal plant which burns 135,000 tons of coal annually.
.After the enrichment to create fuel rods from uranium oxide nuclear reactors routinely emit toxic gasses including krypton, so uranium waste is already causing global warming wherever used. The plutonium and neptunium waste remains in the spent fuel rods and is very much more toxic than even the uranium oxide. It's appaling the amount of world nuclear incidents just for 2009.

.It's just a matter of time before Australia starts taking back waste, they know it can't be buried safely in glass, metal, Synrock or anything else, it will effect the area for years to come. Groundwater, land and air will be incredibly dangerously polluted. Is this what our premier wants to leave his children/grandchildren to deal with ? Plutonium alone has a half life of 250,000 years ! 500,000 years are required before nuclear waste drops below significant danger levels. In Hanford, USA, they tried burying nuclear waste. Steam was seen emerging from the burial site. The drums had disintegrated and waste leaked into the groundwater, boiling it. How close did they come to a nuclear explosion?

.Carting any substance connected with uranium/waste around the world attracts many hazards, the posibility of discharging its contents into the waters of the world. Chernoble and Three Mile Island are just two serious nuclear accidents which have occurred. How long can top quality uranium be mined before it will be dropped to grades as low as .01%. This will have to be transported, pulverised and thousands of tons required for a small amount of uranium with risk to the communities of radioactive dust being strewn around. Workers in this industry are not encouraged to remain long and their health is not monitored as regularly as it should be, whilst working or after they leave the job - why ?

.One way to help the power situation is to make it mandatory to install solar panels on any new home built...currently there are thousands of homes springing up and no sign of solar panels. With all the vacant land (ie desert) where is our renewable energy, 60% of greenhouse gasses are caused by more than power production, although installing more coal powered stations will not help the emissions problems. The premier and his ilk cannot seriously be expecting us to believe they are worried about global warming...billions of dollars from the sale of uranium and, God forbid, the storing of waste and selling off our state's minerals is all they seem interested in.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ethical councillor

Do politicians need a parliamentary councillor to give them ethical advise or is this more spin at tax payers expense? (Plan to offer MP's ethical councilling) I found the article to be one of amazement. Some politicians may be held in low esteem, generally as a result of their questionable behaviour and antics. Constituents may believe anything that would improve MPs' standards of conduct as worth while but is there more here than meets the eye,the proposal for such a position should raise many questions?

.Do we need another created government job for someone to help politicians to tell right from wrong. The appointment would imply that the problem is one of ignorance, rather than indifference to proper standards by MP's who are guided by self-interest and the pursuit of political advantage. Is there a case to be made, that if MP's are unaware of their ethical obligations, they're unfit for public office.
It should be questioned as to what powers this councillor would have. A plan put forward by the Nationals was, the holder of the position would have broad powers to give confidential advise on ethics. He is to move into parliament within weeks for the establishment of the position, the job would entail alleviating pressure on MP's and prevent them from making serious mistakes.

.Here is the best part, the proposal is for the advise from the councillor to be confidential. To the extent that even the Corruption and Crime Commission couldn't have access, it could only be released with the permission of the relevant MP and the clerk of each House. He would end up as the guardian of guilty secrets, and the position of councillor could be ethically compromised.

How would this be in the public interest. The ethical standards of MP's are matters of legitimate public concern. It's definitely time that politicians were held accountable for their actions, if this position were to be passed the public have a right to know of advice being given. The main thing that MP's seem to forget is who pays their salaries.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Drinking water contaminated.

Residents of a Serpentine retirement village were told to boil their drinking water, after it was found to be contaminated with raw sewage. The shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale told residents that tests on their bore water revealed " high bacteriological counts and faecal contamination".
The 14-unit village residents had commented that their water stored in holding tanks, had been smelly and off colour for years.

It was claimed the source of contamination had not been found, the village (Surprise Surprise) is not deep-sewered and sewage is emptied into a settling pond in a paddock 150m from the homes and the bore, which is the maximum depth of 60m. One resident that has resided at the village for eight years blames the contaminated water for a severe bout of gastroenteritis. The local MP had said liberal colleague water minister Graham Jacobs, had ignored his pleas to help the residents.

I find this appalling, it's time people stood together and demanded accountability of the government and the Water Corporation. Just what has been happening to money that has been collected over the years, what has it been spent on? Four different areas have been complaining of being deferred from getting connected to deep sewage. It's about time the Health Department stepped in.

An incident in Kalgoorlie when sewage was coming up through the back lawn, the health dept didn't hesitate stepping in, as it was a health hazard. Until areas that have been waiting years to be connected have been done, there should be no new estates. The state government collects enough in taxes and many other charges, we aren't known as the highest tax paying state for nothing. I'm sure the people would like some accountability, seeing as it's the tax payers that pay the wages of these departments that supposedly work for the people.

Why can't the government run mains water into the Serpentine village from a new subdivision approximately 500m away?I'm sure in Safety Bay, Rockingham and Spearwood as well as the many areas un-sewered, there are to new subdivisions to connect to. It's time for the health minister to come out of hiding, peoples health is being placed at risk and it's time for answers and action.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Desecration of Old Growth Jarrah Forest

People of this state should be outraged as this state government's logging business are about to log more old growth Jarrah trees. The Forest Product Commission said it intended to resume logging 250 year old growth Jarrahs, many of which pre-dated European settlement in WA.

.It was claimed operations would devastate the region's forest for decades, by harming the ecosystem and ruin another eco-tourism industry. The heavy machinery used to extract the trees would calve irreversible damage or scars into unspoilt areas of forest. Previous logging had left swaths of devastation in parts of the Jarrahdale forest. People should use Google Earth on the Southwest forest's or what's left of them, to see the desecration and scarring of the land.

.It would be interesting to know how much of the wildlife has been moved(if any), or is it treated like most heritage items, the dollar more important? It isn't any wonder that at last count there where 600 species endangered, and still counting. Where is the environment minister amongst all these decisions ?

This is another instance of the WA Government contravening the laws of the forest management guidelines, which call for suitable tree-removable practices that allow forests to recover after logging. It has been openly admitted there is not massive amounts of old growth trees left in the shire. They intend to harvest 3000 cubic metres of saw logs and up to 2000 cubic metres of firewood from the shire. So what is Mr Grylls opinion, his been as quiet as the environment minister?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Species at Risk

We may have had a change of government but nothing has changed. It was reported more than 600 species natural to WA are at risk of extinction, why aren't the DEC unit doing their job and giving adequate protection. It could be explained by the environmental regulator who for some reason only manages to prosecute an average of seven individuals or companies each year, from more than 2000 complaints.

.Prosecutions have related to illegal clearing native vegetation, with single prosecutions relating to emissions, noise, discharging waste, oil and slurry and failing to monitor a site. Something I found amazing is the number of field notices 200, how many field notices before prosecution. The shadow minister asked how often the DEC prosecuted another government department for pollution, a classic was the Water Corporation, hoe did they escaped penalty for a spill over 550,000 litres of sewage into the Southern River.

It seems were relying on a department to protect reserves for the preservation of species, yet the DEC is not achieving its target for reservation of land. Why do they lack internal processes, transparency and accountability of the legislated process. A discrepancy has been highlighted between State and Federal threatened species lists that prevented 190 WA species receiving all available protection.

.Mr Gamblin WWF, warned that hundreds of species including the Carnaby's black cockatoo and western ringtail possum were facing extinction. The government gave $4 million for over 4 years, the question is should that be spent on qualified DEC people or the threatened species. How can this department be writing out licenses for companies, are they qualified for such a task!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What a waste

I find it absolutely amazing the amount of articles on or about Water Corp. Millions of litres of clean drinking water has been used to hose down building site and keep dust at bay this year, though dams are less than 30 per cent full. The Water Corporation revealed 350,000 kl of water from the mains was used by 236 contractors in the past year, including civil and demolition contractors.

.Contractors are allowed to use the water if they can't get groundwater, or if they can prove that commercially it was not viable to sink a groundwater bore. It only stands to reason if they can get out of spending extra and use scheme water they will.

.The Water Corporation denied it had wasted drinking water, claiming contractors were charged twice as much as residents for the privilege of tapping into the mains. Claiming also conditions were tight regarding the hire of standpipes that are used to take water from the reticulation water supply, this included regular on-site auditing of water use. If this were the case why are residential areas accused of using excesive amounts of water, or named as the biggest water guzzlers, when it's not factual at all.

How do the corporation explain the 19 billion litres of water-nearly half the production of the desalination plant, were wasted after an increase in leaks from Perth's drinking supplies last financial year from new statistics recently released. The Economic Regulation Authority also revealed that the amount of carbon dioxide released into the environment to supply the water to Perth homes and businesses, sent more than 55% to 2760 tonnes because a full year of operation of the energy intensive Kwinana desalination plant.

Piers Verstegen commented that statistics were evidence that the State was going backwards in terms of its water policy and management. The amount of water lost in the system, demonstrated that upgrading infrastructure should be made a priority to stem leaks and burst pipes.


Previous comments from the State's Environmental Protection Authority watchdog, will streamline the way they assesses the effect of development projects, this has prompted claims it is "watering down" the system. The Authority revealed it would implement a risk-based approach and simplify the process by reducing the level of assessment from 5 to 2.

The chairman believes the changes based on results of a 13 month review, would ensure a greater timeline and certainty in the agency's environmental impact assessment process. Other reforms included approval conditions that focused on environmental outcomes. It was said the changes included improved project management and tracking, so just how much compromising is being carried out when it comes to our environment.

It seems the aim by industries is to fast track their projects, how many mining accidents have happened this year alone. Another excellent point was how many projects has the EPA not approved... which equalled zero. How can West Australians be assured of anything, with a government-appointed industry working group. ( Isn't that a conflict of interests) Tasked with devising a plan to speed up mining approvals and favouring moves to dilute the power and role of the Environment Minister, among other far-reaching changes. Why are taxpayers paying a government if others are calling the shots, just who is protecting our environment for future generations!


Well I'm finally back after the longest month of May ever experienced, to those that have sent emails NO I've definitely not been on holiday worse luck. I'm still trying to work out if I ran over a black cat or what.. ! After the passing of a family member & ill health of another, the Blog was lost like me. Now I'm back and the many things going on haven't slipped my attention.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Who really takes care of our water supply, how many officers are out in the field taking any notice? Suspected 'Toxic waste' dumped illegally, close to one of the States' main drinking water catchments. This happens to be a crucial water supply for WA, but it seems the only time the DEC are aware of what's going on is when it's reported by the public. The DEC pollution response unit were called in to remove the drums, which had been dumped less than 50m from Pickering Brook in Helena, the DEC claim to be doing further testing.
Strange that, how many times are the public told "We will investigate" or ' We'll take samples' yet never another word is spoken. This is not the first time drums have been found and it won't be the last, it's only the dump site that's changed it seems.

.More than 190 contamination notices where sent to home owners in new Port Coogee development after the Department of Conservation and Environment reassessed the quality of the local ground water. The notices prevent land owners from sinking bores and drawing groundwater, and must be included on the land title for future buyers. So can the government explain why homes can still be built there, and why people weren't told before their purchase that the ground water is contaminated?

.The project developer, Australand also received notices over land not yet sold. I find this a fraudulent act on behalf of government and Australand, all monies should be returned to unsuspecting buyers. Why wasn't the land & groundwater checked before blocks were sold, to make a statement like 'To the best of their knowledge there is no issue with the land' does that mean they did or didn't check, has this law of disclosure just come in?

.To now tell landowners they were aware of extensive remediation by the DEC before buying the land from the State but the Contaminated Sites Act, which came into effect I believe in 2003-2006 allowed the department to classify the land without prior notice to owners. Seeing as the land was under extensive remediation it should not have been sold, how SAFE is the soil seeing as the water is contaminated. I don't remember LandCorp adding in their advertising that some blocks in the estate once had a foundry near by, or how PCB's from the old power station would be in the soil. The Land disclosure Act should have made buyers aware.

Monday, March 30, 2009

More Confusion

Again the public have been informed our water consumption has increased by almost 4 per cent each year since 2000, and is expected to climb another 40- 45 per cent by 2030 according to the Water Corporation.

It was finally admitted that demand was driven by mining and urban expansion, and would lead to a fresh water shortage, as WA contended with rainfall levels that have been dropping since the 1950's. The strategic planning manager commented that the annual water use has climbed more than half a trillion litres this century, in 2007-08 total state water use was 2426 billion litres compared with 1790 billion litres in 1999-2000. Yet we can't forget Water Corp's graphs from 2.1/2 years ago showing our rainfall hadn't altered since 1910, so which set are we to believe!

. So that leaves one asking, how good are the sustainability strategies government carries out each year, it always seems communities are told to cut back. Why is industry given a free reign, how many desalination plants or reclamation plants have they paid for. It was stated that Perth metropolitan area and the Pilbra would possible be hit the hardest by future shortages.

.With a growing population and an expected 15 per cent down turn in rainfall, meant urban areas could face a total annual shortfall of up to 75 billion litres. More mining in the Pilbra was likely to double water demand by 2030, Mr Hauck said it's not surprising we have a collective water crisis. Yet we still have water in dams that government prefer to pump out to sea than run through reverse osmosis and use in the metro dams.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Agree or disagree: Uranium.

Many discussions have been had in regard to the safety of uranium. It mostly ends in looking to the facts on leaks which there have been many, and if you can trust the government of the day not to cut corners particularly on storage. Its ended in agreeing to disagree.
Just last week according to the "West" at the "Ranger" mine in Kakadu National Park it was reported it was leaking 100,000 litres of contaminated water every day. A scientist appointed to monitor the mine's environmental impact confirmed at a senate committee hearing, that approximately 100cum a day, the equivalent of 100,000 litres of contaminate were leaking from the mine's tailings dam, into rock fissures beneath Kakadu.
More than 150 leaks, spills and licence breaches have occurred at the mine since it opened in 1981. Mine owner Energy Resources of Australia has been warned repeatedly about its management of the mine, with it being declared in 2004 that it was "complacent" about protecting workers and people near the mine. So is this another red flag being waved with little notice being taken, just the right noises been made without action? When does Duty of Care come into play ?

. Mining was originally to end late last year, now it seems there are plans to tunnel under floodplains from an open pit in a move than would extend mining till 2021. The ERA late last month was responsible for recovering the contaminated water that had washed downstream, later requesting more information about the leak.
It's understood that they intend to extend their monitoring program in the vicinity of the tailings dam. The question the people should be asking "is this good enough, why haven't more stringent regulations been incorporated". Who is doing the monitoring at ERA or is it another episode of the wolf protecting the sheep?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who's The Greenest?

There is now to be two inquires into emissions trading after the Greens and the opposition struck a deal to probe the government's climate change policies. The government has been under pressure from industry (no surprises there) and environmentalists to delay 2010 start date or to make changes to the proposed ETS.
The White Paper released in December detailed a cap-and-trade scheme to meet 2020 emissions reduction target of 5-15 per cent, yet granting up to 90 per cent free pollution
permits for export industries and transitional compensation for electricity generators. The "Greens" have rejected calls from industry and the coalition to delay implementing the ETS.
Many Australians chose to pay extra for renewable green electricity, now its said it won't make a difference. Under the proposed Carbon Pollution reduction scheme (sham) (CPRS) due to be introduced in Federal Parliament, voluntary action by consumers to purchase green power, would make it cheaper and easier for industries to pollute. So how can the People win, or do the right thing for the planet?
Under the proposed scheme, Australia's biggest polluting businesses are required to achieve a certain emissions reductions target. Households buy accredited Green Power or domestic carbon offsets, which simply helps make it cheaper for business to achieve what they are required to do. We have been conned for the sake of industry which doesn't sit well, were trying to do the right thing at considerable cost which many can ill afford at this time.
The CPRS undermines consumer choice . Carbon Pollution avoided as a result of VOLUNTARY consumer action should be counted as additional to the mandatory emissions reductions required of polluting industries. more than 878,000 households have chosen to pay more for renewable energy nation-wide. According to retailer Synergy approximately 7500 WA homes had signed up by last December, what a slap in the face.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

BP Violations

19/2/09 : US BP Products North America has agreed to spend more than $161 million on pollution control, enhancing maintenance, monitoring and improved internal management practices to resolve Clean Air violations at its Texas City refinery. The company will also pay a $12 million civil penalty and spend $6 million on a supplemental project to reduce air pollution in Texas City.
.The USA have whats known as a "Clean Air Act" which we believe should also be enforced in Australia. They have strict controls on Benzene and Benzene-containing wastes, generated during petroleum refining operations. The company is required to upgrade control equipment and processes used to handle these materials, and conduct in-depth audits to ensure compliance and minimise the amount the amount of benzene containing wastes generated at the refinery.
It was estimated that these actions would reduce emissions of benzene and volatile organic compounds by approximately 6,000 pounds annually. Exposure to benzene , a hazardous air pollutant is known to cause a number of acute and chronic health effects. Including cancer, nerve and immunity impairment, adverse reproductive and developmental effects among others.
BP failed to fulfill its obligations under US law, by placing air quality and public health at risk. What precautions have been put in place at Kwinana refinery, it would be no different regarding emissions. The petroleum companies have been making huge profits at the bouser, so where have they put back into the state. Who controls or monitors their emissions at Kwinana refinery,
or does our government place less emphasis on both air quality and public health?
Where are the stringent measures, safety precautions or justice and accountability in our country? Or will it take a catastrophic explosion like happen in Texas in 2005 that killed 15 and injured more than 170 people.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Who's Next

There seems to be a mixed reaction to shipping lead carbonate from the Fremantle Port, yet others qualified in the field believe the proposal is a huge public health risk. It may have been assessed as low risk but where parties qualified to make this assessment. That being the case what happened in Esperance, why did the DEC officer refuse to check monitors because of fear for his own health?
It's the belief of professionals that transporting any lead carbonate through a population-dense area it's still high risk. Lead as we know is a dangerous substance that causes long term damage to children also pregnant women.

.Magellan have not cleaned up their mess in the Port of Esperance, so why are they so anxious to pollute another area? In January there were 2 incidents, or rail accidents where large quantities of minerals were spilled into the environment. (What if it had been lead) Has any consideration been given to the effects on community or workers, if an accident were to happen in Fremantle, or do we wait for more birds to die before it's realised that a problem exists. Like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.

.Why has the minister not yet set a limit on the amount of dust Magellan can emit in transit from Wiluna mine, despite the project gaining state government approval. Magellan will transport 150,000 tonnes of lead carbonate concentrate annually to Fremantle in double-laminated bags inside shipping containers. Even after the minister imposed 15 "stringent ministerial conditions" it was later revealed that Magellan had yet to complete all baseline sampling along the 800 km route, and was yet to come to an agreement with DEC on lead level standards.

.There will be 14 air monitors in total for the entire route, the company would not say how often monitoring would happen except it would be regular, with results made public. So who's reading the monitors and calling the shots? We believe the monitoring needs to be in "real time" so authorities can act quickly, if and when levels are breached. It's not hard to see that neither Barnett or Grylls live in areas to be effected.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sanctuaries at a snails pace.

The Federal government has been urged to establish marine sanctuaries for WA, covering a large expanse of ocean. New research has found that a plethora of important marine life exists, nine out of the ten species off the coast between Kalbari and Euchla were found nowhere else in the world. http://south-west marine bio regional plan

.The region also had a number of globally significant "hot-spots" for marine life, including Perth Canyon which is one of only two feeding sites in Australian waters, for the critically endangered blue whale. The Houtman-Abrolhos Islands and Australia's biggest underwater mountain range, the Diamantina Fracture Zone.
Despite the one million square kilometre region being "critically important to the economic development of the State and nation", less than one per cent is protected in any form from threats such as overfishing and climate change. I find it appalling that Nationally barely 4 per cent of Australia's 16 million square kilometres of ocean is protected as a marine sanctuary.
Professor Meeuwig from UWA centre for Marine Futures, believes large marine sanctuaries are critical to maintain the health of the marine environment and to help fish stocks recover and secure the future of commercial and recreational fishing. Just what are government waiting for, why do we have to lose so much before the "Penny Drops" and the blame game starts. Of course the government are already aware that sanctuaries would boost the region's $3 billion
marine-based tourism industry, nothing changes everything is measured by the dollar.

The Study That's Not

Just how many times are communities expected to take being let down...Brookdale, Bellvue, Wagerup and Esperance to name just a few. We have been fighting for years to get answers as to what's in the Air, Water and Soil, the departments that are responsible for supplying this information will only supply false promises.
Another study "Air Toxics" or as industry would prefer "Air Quality" looks to be falling by the way-side, due to financial cuts it will be another half hearted attempt at hood winking the public.
This make my blood boil, we have a right to know what the communities are being exposed to on a daily basis.
The Kwinana strip generates approximately $18 billion a year, so what is going to the areas their pollution effects. Why is it such a chore for the DEC to carry out an Air Toxic's study, to monitor the pollutants that have caused great concern for residents from Cockburn to Rockingham. It would make sense to carry out a proper study on HAZARDOUS pollutants, particularly carcinogenic compounds supplying answers once and for all...or is government already aware?

It's time this so called government woke up to the fact they are care takers for the "PEOPLE"

we are fed up with their games. The only cuts that should be made are those to salaries of the

"claytons" politicians.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

GM Debate

Has Mr Barnett lifted bans on GM foods for the good of our farmers, he has no proof showing the effects of GM foods in time. The Eastern states grain farmers have delivered their first commercial crop of GM canola, which has only proven the arguement is far from resolved.
Seventy-seven farmers delivered 6222 tonnes of GM canola in 2008 season, research and development Corporaration comparative trials at Forbes and Horsham have shown non-GM are still ahead. From the results Biological Farmers of Australia said the trial results should make farmers cautious of claims that GM canola would out-yield conventional varieties.
If WA were to follow national guidelines it will spark fears of contamination, critics of the technology had warned buffer zones of just 5 m, taking winds into cosideration, non-GM crops could inevitable be contaminated. Farmers will not be able to promise consumers that their crops were entirely free of GM contamination.
If we can't get proper labelling, how can this government assure the public we still have a choice when it comes to GM foods?... I haven't noticed this government introducing strict liability leglislation, to ensure the company providing the GM seed was liable for containing its product to prevent potential econimic loss for GM-free farmers. At present the only recourse would be farmer sueing farmer, so just how much responsibility will the Barnett Government assume? When the question was asked under the Gallop government, the people were very clear they didn't want GM foods, as well as wanting choice and proper labelling .

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Health Cuts

The West Australian State Governments answer to the world wide financial crisis was to place hundreds of government service jobs at risk with a 3% cut to government departments. The health boss submitted a submission to the Minister for health proposing a reduction in the number of support and administrative staff on short-term contracts.

They claim the cuts will apply to process, procedures and functions that are possibly redundant but that have been continuing anyway. It seems they would have the public believe it will have no impact on front-line health services, they obviously haven't looked at government health services lately and how they are already in critical condition.

Of course there was no mention of taking a cut to his obscene salary, this is where I believe Obama has it all over our politicians - see these blogs: Wanted Australian Politician with ethics and Freedom.

The 3 per cent cut requirement was meant to save approx $120 million from health alone, this it seems was agreed to before the state election to fund promises made during the election campaign. I find this obscene, so where will the money saved, go too?

Minister Hames had rejected an earlier proposal by the health department, to extend some elective surgery waiting times to achieve the required cut. The government has said the public will not see where the cuts will apply until the May budget.

The US has Barak Obama...... who do we have?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wave technology

Finally we may see a Fremantle inventor, Carnegie Corporation put to good use. They are looking at powering the Department of Defence's Garden Island operations with wave energy, after signing a deal which could see the group become the first in Australia to commercialise the renewable technology. It could lead to it supplying Garden Island naval base with both power and water supplies using its CETO Wave technology.

Like most of the Western Australian coastline, Garden Island gets a world class wave resource on tap, plus the naval base is a significant user of both power and water. Carnegie will bear the costs of the feasibility study, but they also hope to to secure funding from the State Government's LEED (Low emission energy development) research grants program.

The group did not quantify the potential scale of the project, the size of the facility would not be limited to the Defence Department operation's requirements due to the potential to supply power to the South-West Inter connector System. Detailed assessment on the technical and commercial viability of the project will soon begin, and is expected to be completed by the years end.

Carnegie is conducting trials of its CETO Wave technology, which purifies sea water for drinking use as well as converting wave power into emission-free energy, in Albany. Government should be behind this company all the way, time will tell.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lib's Power plan

The Barnett government's plan was to merge Verve with retailer Synergy, it seems it has been shot down by a damning report prepared at the request of the premier. The analysis by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy warned that the amalgamation would cost more money than it saved. Leading to increased electricity prices as well as scaring away possible private investors, leaving the state to fund desperately needed new power stations.

It was said that Verve's losses are largely because the generator sells most of its power to Synergy, at well below cost. What happened to the lower prices when Western Power was split up? When our state experiences 37 degrees and above, how do people get cool when power is too expensive to use. Who's financial difficulties are being taken into consideration ? With Global Warming, higher temperatures are becoming a regular thing so where does the government believe people will find this extra money for the power bill?

While the liberal government are making their long term decisions they need to ask, with everything on the increase where does choice lay for constituents. Full details of the OOE REPORT by "Frontier Economics Regulations Authority" outlining the methodology to determine the tariff levels

Have you ever questioned an inexplicably high power bill, you could be one of the millions of consumers whose bill is done on guess work rather that actual consumption. A practice know as as " estimated reading" where your utility company(power, water or gas) guesses, if they believe meters are harder to access or due to more homes having security measures.

They are the 3utilities that we will receive increases, it's believed that bill estimates led to over and undercharging but that overcharging was more common. The Energy Ombudsman in WA received 28 bill estimate complaints in 2007-'08, it has fielded a further 16 complainta since July '08. If you don't check your bill you'll never know.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Liberals so caring!

It's so nice that our new minister for finance is so caring, it seems his main concern was if the closure of Ravensthorpe happened would it effect Royalties for Regions. Why should we be expected to place our trust in this liberal government, West Australians should remember their performance in their last term of office.

.Their failures in the social areas of health and justice, they disposed of many of the State's valuable assets. In their wisdom they sold SGIO, Bankwest, the Dampier-to-Bunbury gas pipeline, Alinta Gas and Westrail. They closed the Midland Workshops even after their promise to upgrade and expand, to guarantee its long term future. State Ships, hospitals and nursing homes. Not forgetting government maintenance, construction and other services that were providing the State with hundreds of tradespeople through the apprenticeships available. So much for the liberal government's privatisation policies.

.What's come about since Mr Barnett has been in; they have lifted the ban on uranium mining, as well as the "No GM". They have delivered their spin about safely removing the remaining lead stockpile, the polluter are being allowed to export with the aid of the WA taxpayers. Magellan will pay 9 million towards the clean up which is far from adequate, then who will pay compensation to families who's health and lives have been affected. When will Magellan be taken to court?

.To top it off the liberals would have people believe that Nickel is harmless to our health, maybe they can explain how that's possible when it's a known carcinogen. The Esperance Port Authority concluded last year after extensive investigation that no engineering solution could make bulk nickel exports safe, so I guess that makes the so called license not worth the paper it's written on. They intend exporting Nickel through the Port of Esperance when BHP resume mining, so obviously Barnett has learnt nothing. The sooner a full scale inquiry into the inadequacy of government agencies, and adequacy of our WA Ports to safely export highly toxic materials the better. The expectations should be for the Port of Esperance to operate at world's best standards.

.At present the liberals are gathering brownie points, but they are no different than labor before them. Although I don't remember Mr Carpenter going through $3.7 billion in their first 100 days, where still waiting to see any benefits or for that matter where it went.