Saturday, August 15, 2009

Power = Water at homeowners expense.

Over the last few weeks the people of WA have been asked for their comment on the future of water, power, wastes and air/quality just to mention a few. My question would be why, the government or departments aren't interested in our concerns? They have even ignored people well qualified in the different fields. The only conclusion that can be reached is,this way it can be said consultation was had.

The government are proudly crowing over the vast expansion of the coal power industry to happen in the next few years,not how or what they intend to do in reducing their emissions load, a few weeks back WA was named the dirtiest state . The power plants are set to send water consumption sky rocketing, with the potential of draining the Collie River dry and damaging the regions aquifers. The town already has four coal-fired power stations,and now five more are in the works to be completed by 2013, along with a urea plant.Why wasn't the urea plant sent to the north where there is adequate water and gas for their product?I presume it comes down to pass factors, what ever is cheapest is best for industry, too bad about our environment.

The Water Corporation or (department of water) estimated Collie's existing power plants are already extracting groundwater at three times the rate it's recharged by our rainfall. The groundwater could be exhausted within nine years. I find this to be the height of hypocrisy, using potable water for cooling when saline water could be used like at other plants along the coast. The first of the water coming out of the Collie river is saline, which is run into old coal pits and stored. This is the only water that should be used for cooling apart from the saline slug from Wellington Dam, no potable water should be used if our state is running out of such a precious resource.

It was reported last summer that many of Collie's rivers, streams and garden bores ran dry due to the continued drop in the water table. Senator Siewert said the system had already reached its limit and both State and Federal governments should stop approving so many new coal operations. When will WA find a government that can start thinking of long term goals and secure the future health, viability and amenity of our state instead of only seeing the dollar sign now.

Four power stations at Collie use 30GL per annum. By 2013 with construction of the urea plant (arid state) and Bluewaters 2,3 and 4 and Muja A & B power projects, figures on water usage is predicted to rise to 67GL. Why does WA's water shortage only apply to home owners but not the industrial sector? Why do power companies receive what water they want free, at the rate water is being absorbed or used what will future generations do? Where are the renewable energy projects or do they only apply to other countries?

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