People of this state should be outraged as this state government's logging business are about to log more old growth Jarrah trees. The Forest Product Commission said it intended to resume logging 250 year old growth Jarrahs, many of which pre-dated European settlement in WA.
.It was claimed operations would devastate the region's forest for decades, by harming the ecosystem and ruin another eco-tourism industry. The heavy machinery used to extract the trees would calve irreversible damage or scars into unspoilt areas of forest. Previous logging had left swaths of devastation in parts of the Jarrahdale forest. People should use Google Earth on the Southwest forest's or what's left of them, to see the desecration and scarring of the land.
.It would be interesting to know how much of the wildlife has been moved(if any), or is it treated like most heritage items, the dollar more important? It isn't any wonder that at last count there where 600 species endangered, and still counting. Where is the environment minister amongst all these decisions ?
This is another instance of the WA Government contravening the laws of the forest management guidelines, which call for suitable tree-removable practices that allow forests to recover after logging. It has been openly admitted there is not massive amounts of old growth trees left in the shire. They intend to harvest 3000 cubic metres of saw logs and up to 2000 cubic metres of firewood from the shire. So what is Mr Grylls opinion, his been as quiet as the environment minister?
What happened to no more old growth being logged? The forest in the south that was once thick and had multilpe wild life species, which are fast disappearing.
Nothing is sacred any more, there will be nothing left for future generations.Where is the environment minister, why isn't she preventing this irreversible damage?
If the public ever went for a trip down south, they would see the ecological damage caused by multi-nationals for the sake of of a buck.
Our governments are no better because they allowed it to happen.Liberals have made things worse by lifting the uranium and GM ban.
Liberals LOVE environment. So long as we have any, they LOVE to destroy it.
And yes...where is the so-called environment minister, is she one of them who needs ethical advice ????
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