Thursday, August 7, 2008

Waste Neglect

It appears no response is forth coming from the Environment Minister or his department, as it was over 3-4 months ago letters were sent. Instead EMRC and Southern Metropolitan Regional Council will share in a grant of $ 35,520 to commission a study into a pilot program for the collection and recycling of electronic waste. Also ERMC won $95,000 from Strategic Waste Initiative Scheme to trial a third household rubbish bin to collect organic waste.

There are many who believe that industrial hazardous waste and having a safe area for its storage is far more important, until a safe disposal is organised. It should not be about what is more convenient and cheaper to industries or the waste company's. It was never explained why the 3C were disbanded before completion of the project, which they were assigned to carry out thanks to Mr McGowan.
Our state was set to receive three hazardous waste precincts with state-of-the-art treatment facilities, designed to avoid a repeat of the Bellevue chemical fire in 2001 and the Brookdale fiasco in 2003. Just where are the priorities of this government, or are previous comments that this priority of Premier Gallop, was dead in the water?
It can only come across that this government condone the dumping of this hazardous waste at sites not licensed to accept it.
The 3C took their job seriously taking all communities into consideration but there had been another 12-18 months to run. Approximately $2 million had been spent exploring hundreds of possible locations, and consulting with communities all over the state.
So how does Mr Templeman or Mr Carpenter explain such neglect to an area so important as Hazardous Waste?


Anonymous said...

While those lobbying on behalf of waste-oil interests to kill off the 3C agenda,it's believed there wasn't much chance of cabinet doing the right thing.

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog;with the CCC handing down their report within the following weeks,it will be bye bye labor.

Anonymous said...

James and Taxpayer,
thanks for your comments, keep them coming. Hopefully the public of WA will finally get to hear the truth about the lobbyists and certain ministers.