There have been serious concerns from Lake Clifton residents, in regard to the Water Corporation dumping 800 tonnes of treated sewage each week onto a pine plantation near by. Where are the studies to prove that the sewage won't contaminate the groundwater, why didn't the Water Corp see the necessity to contact the Federal Environment Department seeing as this comes under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of 1999..?
The commonwealth must approve activities that affect internationally protected wetlands, national heritage or world heritage places.Threatened species, ecological communities, migratory species or in Commonwealth marine areas. Why do the Water Corp believe they are a law unto themselves, why are you permitting them to do as they please Mr Templeman?
.The Water Corporation have been using treated waste or bio-solids as a soil conditioner in the pine plantation. Sounds like the "Red Mud" affair all over again, farmers are aware of the damage that created to different paddocks and livestock. Residents have every right to be concerned, although the DEC assured them no nutrients would enter the ground water. Where is the proof or study carried out, these people don't want assurances they need facts and to know the aquifer that's relied upon for drinking water, won't be contaminated.
.There is the possibility of nutrients flowing into the Peel-Yalgorup lakes system, the impact witnessed in other areas where nutrients enter the lakes, rivers or water-ways has proved devastating and costly. It's against the law for others to pollute rivers or water-ways, why doesn't it apply to the Water Corporation?
It was admitted by waste water manager, the waste had a smell and represented a germ risk if it was touched in the days after it was spread. It's not assuring to know that it doesn't contain high levels of heavy metals, it still contains enough. There has been no mention of the pathogens it contains and how they can't be destroyed. There was also no mention of the Strombolites, which are living rocks that grow about 1mm a year. The nutrients and bacteria can destroy these marvels that have taken thousands of years to get where they are today, yet because of incompetence they can be destroyed in a matter of days.
.Our water sources are a precious commodity to this state, its time someone was placed in charge
that will abide by the law and protect the things that are precious to this state and future generations.
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