Residents of a Serpentine retirement village were told to boil their drinking water, after it was found to be contaminated with raw sewage. The shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale told residents that tests on their bore water revealed " high bacteriological counts and faecal contamination".
The 14-unit village residents had commented that their water stored in holding tanks, had been smelly and off colour for years.
It was claimed the source of contamination had not been found, the village (Surprise Surprise) is not deep-sewered and sewage is emptied into a settling pond in a paddock 150m from the homes and the bore, which is the maximum depth of 60m. One resident that has resided at the village for eight years blames the contaminated water for a severe bout of gastroenteritis. The local MP had said liberal colleague water minister Graham Jacobs, had ignored his pleas to help the residents.
I find this appalling, it's time people stood together and demanded accountability of the government and the Water Corporation. Just what has been happening to money that has been collected over the years, what has it been spent on? Four different areas have been complaining of being deferred from getting connected to deep sewage. It's about time the Health Department stepped in.
An incident in Kalgoorlie when sewage was coming up through the back lawn, the health dept didn't hesitate stepping in, as it was a health hazard. Until areas that have been waiting years to be connected have been done, there should be no new estates. The state government collects enough in taxes and many other charges, we aren't known as the highest tax paying state for nothing. I'm sure the people would like some accountability, seeing as it's the tax payers that pay the wages of these departments that supposedly work for the people.
Why can't the government run mains water into the Serpentine village from a new subdivision approximately 500m away?I'm sure in Safety Bay, Rockingham and Spearwood as well as the many areas un-sewered, there are to new subdivisions to connect to. It's time for the health minister to come out of hiding, peoples health is being placed at risk and it's time for answers and action.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Desecration of Old Growth Jarrah Forest
People of this state should be outraged as this state government's logging business are about to log more old growth Jarrah trees. The Forest Product Commission said it intended to resume logging 250 year old growth Jarrahs, many of which pre-dated European settlement in WA.
.It was claimed operations would devastate the region's forest for decades, by harming the ecosystem and ruin another eco-tourism industry. The heavy machinery used to extract the trees would calve irreversible damage or scars into unspoilt areas of forest. Previous logging had left swaths of devastation in parts of the Jarrahdale forest. People should use Google Earth on the Southwest forest's or what's left of them, to see the desecration and scarring of the land.
.It would be interesting to know how much of the wildlife has been moved(if any), or is it treated like most heritage items, the dollar more important? It isn't any wonder that at last count there where 600 species endangered, and still counting. Where is the environment minister amongst all these decisions ?
This is another instance of the WA Government contravening the laws of the forest management guidelines, which call for suitable tree-removable practices that allow forests to recover after logging. It has been openly admitted there is not massive amounts of old growth trees left in the shire. They intend to harvest 3000 cubic metres of saw logs and up to 2000 cubic metres of firewood from the shire. So what is Mr Grylls opinion, his been as quiet as the environment minister?
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