Saturday, February 7, 2009

Health Cuts

The West Australian State Governments answer to the world wide financial crisis was to place hundreds of government service jobs at risk with a 3% cut to government departments. The health boss submitted a submission to the Minister for health proposing a reduction in the number of support and administrative staff on short-term contracts.

They claim the cuts will apply to process, procedures and functions that are possibly redundant but that have been continuing anyway. It seems they would have the public believe it will have no impact on front-line health services, they obviously haven't looked at government health services lately and how they are already in critical condition.

Of course there was no mention of taking a cut to his obscene salary, this is where I believe Obama has it all over our politicians - see these blogs: Wanted Australian Politician with ethics and Freedom.

The 3 per cent cut requirement was meant to save approx $120 million from health alone, this it seems was agreed to before the state election to fund promises made during the election campaign. I find this obscene, so where will the money saved, go too?

Minister Hames had rejected an earlier proposal by the health department, to extend some elective surgery waiting times to achieve the required cut. The government has said the public will not see where the cuts will apply until the May budget.

The US has Barak Obama...... who do we have?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We dont not have enywun !!!!