Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lib's Power plan

The Barnett government's plan was to merge Verve with retailer Synergy, it seems it has been shot down by a damning report prepared at the request of the premier. The analysis by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy warned that the amalgamation would cost more money than it saved. Leading to increased electricity prices as well as scaring away possible private investors, leaving the state to fund desperately needed new power stations.

It was said that Verve's losses are largely because the generator sells most of its power to Synergy, at well below cost. What happened to the lower prices when Western Power was split up? When our state experiences 37 degrees and above, how do people get cool when power is too expensive to use. Who's financial difficulties are being taken into consideration ? With Global Warming, higher temperatures are becoming a regular thing so where does the government believe people will find this extra money for the power bill?

While the liberal government are making their long term decisions they need to ask, with everything on the increase where does choice lay for constituents. Full details of the OOE REPORT by "Frontier Economics Regulations Authority" outlining the methodology to determine the tariff levels http://www.energy.wa.gov.au/

Have you ever questioned an inexplicably high power bill, you could be one of the millions of consumers whose bill is done on guess work rather that actual consumption. A practice know as as " estimated reading" where your utility company(power, water or gas) guesses, if they believe meters are harder to access or due to more homes having security measures.

They are the 3utilities that we will receive increases, it's believed that bill estimates led to over and undercharging but that overcharging was more common. The Energy Ombudsman in WA received 28 bill estimate complaints in 2007-'08, it has fielded a further 16 complainta since July '08. If you don't check your bill you'll never know.


Anonymous said...

Synergy seems to be skimming the cream, leaving Verve the debt. Synergy have now entered into a contract of sorts with the Wave Power group wanting what ever power they produce.

Privatation hasn't equated to cheaper power for the people,it's more like permission to commit daylight robbery.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pete, have to agree with you. Synergy are in need of $$$$ for investment in renewable energy. So it's to come from "Verve" they in turn hike our charges? Privatization stinks when we cop the brunt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip, you can bet from now on we'll be checking the lot. We have noticed many bills on the high side.

If their aware of o/charging why don't they rectify it, I'll bet with any bill they undercharge on you cop extra on the following bill.