Monday, August 25, 2008

Services close to collapse.

We have continually been given the figures in relation to what industry need to continue with their avarice profit margin, why haven't the needs of the people of this state been taken into account? The accidental premier rambles on about the needs of infrastructure for industry to expand and export more yet when it come to having the needs met for the health of this state, it seems it's to expensive.

.A Cancer Council-commissioned audit, prompted by patient complaints and funded partly by the WA Health Dept, warns that unless urgent action is taken the system could collapse within five years as it struggles to cope with an estimated 50,000 new cancer cases on top of the existing load. Why is there no money to purchase a new Pet Scanner to replace the old machine recently retired, just what sort of a budget did Mr Ripper devise?

The recent report by University of New South Wales professor Barton of radiation oncology, found that while cancer treatment in WA was usually of a high standard,Inadequate facilities and Staff shortages were major concerns. It also warned the new cancer facilities such as those planned for the Fiona Stanley hospital would not meet the demand.

It was warned that WA faced 10,000 new cancer cases a year, rising by three to four per cent a year but facilities and equipment were unable to cope. Urgently needed equipment included five extra linear accelerators used for radiation therapy. Facilities in public hospitals for chemotherapy patients were over-crowded, with patients often waiting many hours to be seen by a junior doctor. Treatment areas at RPH were described as dangerously over-crowded. When the state was cut to one Pet Scanner, a department commented that some patients would need to go east for treatment. How consoling, as if finding out you had cancer wasn't bad enough. Just where is the money to come from to fly east, or will Mr Ripper let people borrow from his piggy bank?

I find this contemptable of any government, in WA ministers harp on about how we're the boom state and our driving economy, how the north -west is propping up the country. Yet we can't afford the medical equipment and personnel to do the right thing by the people of this state, who work long hours and pay their taxes. Shame on you Mr Carpenter and the labor party.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Muddled ministers

It seems ministers are getting anxious over the proposed emissions trading scheme and the potential risk, to the liquidfied natural gas industry. One senior minister described it as gross incompetence. The industry have claimed that up to $100 billion in investments could be jeopardised if it also, did not get the compensation that would be given to heavy polluters.

Well they have threatened the usual with job losses and taking their business off shore etc. Under the proposed emissions trading scheme, so-called emissions intensive trade-exposed industries would get free permits to prevent the cost of their products rising signicificantly.
The heaviest polluters, such as cement and aluminium manufacturers getting about 90% of their permits free, because they emitted less than 2000 tonnes of carbon dioxide for every $1million in revenue they earned. Those emitting between 1500 and 2000 tonnes per$1million would get approximately 60% of their permits free.
Those devising the scheme thought that LNG producers would qualify for at least some support, but as it turns out they don't qualify for even the lower threshold because the industry has cleaned itself up since 2001-2002. It must buy all permits, which would cause the price of gas to rise.

The way it comes across, is those cleaning themselves up will pay for doing so. Naturally so their profit margins are kept where they would like, increases will be passed onto the consumer or tax-payer. So just how are industry being encouraged to cut emissions, heavy emitters are receiving free permits and those not being given freebies pass the costs onto us? Is there one minister that can explain where carbon emissions are being cut, or are they all totally confused and going to continue with their smoke and mirrors?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Nation of Taxes

We live in a country that taxes its pay-as-you-earn workers to such an extent, that their generally paltry pay rises leave them trailing further and further behind those who have chosen not to be carers in our society. What chance do nurses, teaches and our police as an example have, in trying to secure a decent future?
Despite the fact that the resources fuelling our latest boom come from soil on which we all tread, only those in the right positions are gaining....and gaining enormously.If we look to other countries and their tax systems ie Finland, it taxes all its people a flat rate of 50 cents on every dollar. No GST and no Medicare levy no taxes on your taxes, no extra for education and health.
Their government use their money wisely and provides systems that are world class, so all Australians should be asking our government just where has the multiple taxes collected been spent? Here we face an average of 30-35 per cent income tax, 3-10 per cent health insurance and levies, 10 per cent GST and at least 4% on other government charges in the form of stamp duty, registration insurance, surcharges and excise not forgetting how water and power have increased 9 and 10 per cent .
It's no wonder people are struggling to make ends meet, particularly as there doesn't seem to be any light at the end of the tunnel. The Australian government don't seem to be aware of what a true GST is, other countries can make it work so why not Australia?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sewage as fertiliser

There have been serious concerns from Lake Clifton residents, in regard to the Water Corporation dumping 800 tonnes of treated sewage each week onto a pine plantation near by. Where are the studies to prove that the sewage won't contaminate the groundwater, why didn't the Water Corp see the necessity to contact the Federal Environment Department seeing as this comes under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of 1999..?
The commonwealth must approve activities that affect internationally protected wetlands, national heritage or world heritage places.Threatened species, ecological communities, migratory species or in Commonwealth marine areas. Why do the Water Corp believe they are a law unto themselves, why are you permitting them to do as they please Mr Templeman?
The Water Corporation have been using treated waste or bio-solids as a soil conditioner in the pine plantation. Sounds like the "Red Mud" affair all over again, farmers are aware of the damage that created to different paddocks and livestock. Residents have every right to be concerned, although the DEC assured them no nutrients would enter the ground water. Where is the proof or study carried out, these people don't want assurances they need facts and to know the aquifer that's relied upon for drinking water, won't be contaminated.
There is the possibility of nutrients flowing into the Peel-Yalgorup lakes system, the impact witnessed in other areas where nutrients enter the lakes, rivers or water-ways has proved devastating and costly. It's against the law for others to pollute rivers or water-ways, why doesn't it apply to the Water Corporation?
It was admitted by waste water manager, the waste had a smell and represented a germ risk if it was touched in the days after it was spread. It's not assuring to know that it doesn't contain high levels of heavy metals, it still contains enough. There has been no mention of the pathogens it contains and how they can't be destroyed. There was also no mention of the Strombolites, which are living rocks that grow about 1mm a year. The nutrients and bacteria can destroy these marvels that have taken thousands of years to get where they are today, yet because of incompetence they can be destroyed in a matter of days.
Our water sources are a precious commodity to this state, its time someone was placed in charge
that will abide by the law and protect the things that are precious to this state and future generations.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Waste Neglect

It appears no response is forth coming from the Environment Minister or his department, as it was over 3-4 months ago letters were sent. Instead EMRC and Southern Metropolitan Regional Council will share in a grant of $ 35,520 to commission a study into a pilot program for the collection and recycling of electronic waste. Also ERMC won $95,000 from Strategic Waste Initiative Scheme to trial a third household rubbish bin to collect organic waste.

There are many who believe that industrial hazardous waste and having a safe area for its storage is far more important, until a safe disposal is organised. It should not be about what is more convenient and cheaper to industries or the waste company's. It was never explained why the 3C were disbanded before completion of the project, which they were assigned to carry out thanks to Mr McGowan.
Our state was set to receive three hazardous waste precincts with state-of-the-art treatment facilities, designed to avoid a repeat of the Bellevue chemical fire in 2001 and the Brookdale fiasco in 2003. Just where are the priorities of this government, or are previous comments that this priority of Premier Gallop, was dead in the water?
It can only come across that this government condone the dumping of this hazardous waste at sites not licensed to accept it.
The 3C took their job seriously taking all communities into consideration but there had been another 12-18 months to run. Approximately $2 million had been spent exploring hundreds of possible locations, and consulting with communities all over the state.
So how does Mr Templeman or Mr Carpenter explain such neglect to an area so important as Hazardous Waste?