Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Water Corp Again

A section of the Southern River at Brookdale has been closed after a huge sewage spill. Approximately 700,000 litres of sewage spilled into the river on Monday night when a pipeline burst while being fixed by the Water Corporation.

This is starting to be like the "Never Ending Story", true its not the same line each time but just where is the money from annual yearly rates collected being spent by Water Corp?
Would it possibly be because the sewage line has gone past it's use by date that so many problems are coming to light, not so long ago it was a line in Belmont so who's next.

How old are the CBD lines, are they next to be flooded in sewage, does the Water Corp believe in preventative maintenance or any maintenance for that matter. How many burst water pipes have been experienced ? Or do they wait till it burst then carry out band-aid solutions? We keep hearing from this government how things are to expensive to fix, so just on what or where is the surplus from this state being spent on?

1 comment:

Steve said...

I have lost count of the number of sewgae spills into our environment by Water Corp. A can't even remember how many spills this make at Brookdale alone, but it continues unabated.