Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It Was Once a Jewel

The loss of wild life in Cockburn Sound has been obvious for some time, who ever carried out the environmental study before the desalination plant was built, would or should have been aware of the effects and impact to The Sound.
The Dolphins have been disappearing for over two years as well as the different species of fish, the sea grasses had been diminishing long before yet we are still to hear from Cockburn Sound Management Council about existing or increased problems that are responsible.
The minister for fisheries has blamed recreational fishing for the decrease in fish and crab populations, his solution was to ban crabbing and restrict demorsal catches. It is our belief the real reason for the demise is the destruction of the sea grass meadows and spawning grounds which were the nurseries for these specific species also pollutants from industry would have had a devastating effect.

The Sound was once referred to as the Jewel in the crown, in Rockingham our beaches were pristine and the water most times was crystal clear, in certain areas you could see the sea grasses with fish of all sizes darting about even crabs.

With the habitat and sea grasses disappearing, due to the desalination plant and industry discharge, as well as the dredging of shell sands by Cockburn Cement we believe these could be the major reasons why the wild life is disappearing . With Mr Kale saying "he hasn't seen a dolphin in the area for two years" why isn't Cockburn Sound Management Council or DEC coming out with an explanation? I just hope they don't blame it on global warming, that is one excuse that won't be believed.

With the dolphins now staying out to sea and steering clear of the area, the question has to be asked if all is well within the waters of The Sound, why are the dolphins steering clear? How safe is the water for the public, pets or horses to be swimming in?

For sometime complaints have been made about jet-skies and boats going to close and hitting dolphins, but this again comes down to the department doing more than installing signs. Seeing as the government of the day saw fit to install multiple industries in The Sound, all governments should make certain that CSMC, are given adequate funding to properly take care of what is precious to many instead of begrudging every dollar needed to do their job properly.

The state government makes large annual profits from the strip it's about time they put back into the area instead of just take, particularly towards protecting The Sound for future generations. Is industrialisation to be the demise of The Sound?


Anonymous said...

We have been reading blogs from Cockburn through to Albany, as you've all been critical we know what to expect from government our way.There are blogs that are real eye openers,thanks for the sites.

Steve said...

Haven't the Government via Cockburn Sound Management Council and also Kwinana Industry been telling us that Cockburn Sound has never been better?

And of course let us not forget that Kwinana Industry is "Green and Clean".

I have asked the question a number of times as to what effect does the excessive - at times illegal level of noise from Kwinana Industry have on Cockburn Sound, but guess what - I can't get an answer.

Anonymous said...

jj and crew
all blogs being posted on different projects that I'm aware of, are experiencing one problem after another.So if something is planned for your area, read the fine print,don't believe all your told.