Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ethical councillor

Do politicians need a parliamentary councillor to give them ethical advise or is this more spin at tax payers expense? (Plan to offer MP's ethical councilling) I found the article to be one of amazement. Some politicians may be held in low esteem, generally as a result of their questionable behaviour and antics. Constituents may believe anything that would improve MPs' standards of conduct as worth while but is there more here than meets the eye,the proposal for such a position should raise many questions?

.Do we need another created government job for someone to help politicians to tell right from wrong. The appointment would imply that the problem is one of ignorance, rather than indifference to proper standards by MP's who are guided by self-interest and the pursuit of political advantage. Is there a case to be made, that if MP's are unaware of their ethical obligations, they're unfit for public office.
It should be questioned as to what powers this councillor would have. A plan put forward by the Nationals was, the holder of the position would have broad powers to give confidential advise on ethics. He is to move into parliament within weeks for the establishment of the position, the job would entail alleviating pressure on MP's and prevent them from making serious mistakes.

.Here is the best part, the proposal is for the advise from the councillor to be confidential. To the extent that even the Corruption and Crime Commission couldn't have access, it could only be released with the permission of the relevant MP and the clerk of each House. He would end up as the guardian of guilty secrets, and the position of councillor could be ethically compromised.

How would this be in the public interest. The ethical standards of MP's are matters of legitimate public concern. It's definitely time that politicians were held accountable for their actions, if this position were to be passed the public have a right to know of advice being given. The main thing that MP's seem to forget is who pays their salaries.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Enviro...but I have been needing a good laugh !
"Offer MP's ethical counselling"--
Do we not then elect ethical parliamentarians to represent us ?
Absolutely farcical !

enviro said...

Yes Anonymous, if it wasn't so serious we could have a good laugh. One has to wonder is our State parliament a complete joke? Just who are the MP's representing, the people or themselves. Farcical is not the word.

Steve said...

Yes Enviro, we only need to take a look at the quality of some of our politicians currently running the show to see why they would need ethics councilors in parliament and I suspect they would have a full on task and would be kept very busy. But more seriously - the idea is plain ridiculous, the should have the ethics without counciling - if they don't then the CCC should deal with them. Increasing the CCC would be a better idea if enough bent pollies where caught surely it wouldn't take long for the message to get through to the rest - do the wrong them and you will be caught and punished via the courts.

Robbo said...

This will be another means to cover for politicians, and where possible stop the powers of the CCC. Until the government is held accountable nothing will change.

The CCC should definately have more powers than they do, how else do they stand a chance of clearing out the bad eggs?